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Pokemon 1999 Action Flipz Lenticular Action Cards Premier Edition Lot of 16
Set of 16 1999 Premier Edition Action Flipz Lenticular Action Cards. Very good condition. These Action Flipz square cards have images that show Pokemon evolution to another or the Pokemon moving as the card is viewed from different angles. These cards have been sitting in a binder inside a box. The Action Flipz are in very good condition with some wear and marks. From a smoke-free home. These Action Flipz were made in 1999.
This lot of Action Flipz includes:
03 #35 Clefairy to #36 Clefable
13 #133 Eevee to #136 Flareon
16 #118 Goldeen to #119 Seaking
18 #58 Growlithe to #59 Arcanine
15 #74 Geodude and #75 Graveler
11 #23 Ekans to #24 Arbok
19 #106 Hitmonlee
36 #27 Sandshrew to #28 Sandslash
37 #21 Spearow to #22 Fearow
30 #32 Male Nidoran to #33 Nidorino
31 #29 Female Nidoran to #30 Nidorina
33 #138 Omanyte to #139 Omastar
Two 02 #63 Abra to #64 Kadabra
40 #13 Weedle to #14 Kakuna
26 #81 Magnemite to #82 Magneton
This lot of Action Flipz includes:
03 #35 Clefairy to #36 Clefable
13 #133 Eevee to #136 Flareon
16 #118 Goldeen to #119 Seaking
18 #58 Growlithe to #59 Arcanine
15 #74 Geodude and #75 Graveler
11 #23 Ekans to #24 Arbok
19 #106 Hitmonlee
36 #27 Sandshrew to #28 Sandslash
37 #21 Spearow to #22 Fearow
30 #32 Male Nidoran to #33 Nidorino
31 #29 Female Nidoran to #30 Nidorina
33 #138 Omanyte to #139 Omastar
Two 02 #63 Abra to #64 Kadabra
40 #13 Weedle to #14 Kakuna
26 #81 Magnemite to #82 Magneton